Danman's Online Metronome
Guitar - Piano - Flute - Violin - Voice - Harmonica - Drums


Click on a tempo to listen 
and play along to...

You can use this page as a reference for all the notation tempo markings you see on printed sheet music.  And for general metronome practice use.  Most of these "beat" files are 10 - 20 minutes long.  Perfect length to practice all your scales and chords!   Just click on an image/tempo setting that you want to listen to and practice away.  That's it!  Have fun!

Quarter note = 60
Quarter note = 68
Quarter note = 70
Quarter note = 78
Quarter note = 80

Quarter note = 90
Quarter note = 96
Quarter note = 100
Quarter note = 108
Quarter note = 110

Quarter note = 120
Quarter note = 130
Quarter note = 140
Quarter note = 150
Quarter note = 160

Quarter note = 170
Quarter note = 180
Quarter note = 190
Quarter note = 200